Plan For a Better 2018

Look ahead and see yourself in a better home, built by ASH

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It’s the beginning of 2018.  Plan to make it a better year.

How do you and the members of your family define better? Better generally means improvement, but it can mean different things to different people. For many people the beginning of the Year 2018 can include plans to get your family in a better home.

A better home may be one that is the same size as your current residence, but has a better organized floor plan. 

Better could also mean new and efficient mechanical and HVAC systems or maybe a roof  that doesn’t leak and doors and windows that close properly. 

Better may mean a bigger home.  With more bedrooms for the kids, with more closet space and a bigger living and dining area. 

Better may mean a smaller home that is easier to heat, cool and clean.  Better because of lower utility bills.

Better may mean a home with wider entry doors and cabinets that are lower.  A design that is handicap accessible and senior friendly.

Better may be the home style and type you love, only located nearer to your family, your friends or your preferred health care.

Your first step to better is trusting the building of your next home to Advanced Systems Homes. Many others have trusted us for over 44 years.  We understand tradition, functionality and financial well being.

Contact our design team so we can help you find the one that fits your family’s “better”.  We can have it built in as little as 90 days!  No worries, no hassles.